Getting Started and Advanced Techniques
Saturdays, March 19 - April 2, 10:30a-12:30p
at the Hilo Fine Art Center
$85 for the 3-weekend package
Learn how to make art on tablets, smartphones, or other devices
- Experience hands-on techniques using Art “apps” software
- Reveal your creative freedom and possibilities with digital exercises
- Combine your traditional art methods with digital techniques
- Discover how to use digital tools to explore your canvas compositions
- Understand how to get your art printed on paper or canvas
In the class, we will....
- Get you up and running on your chosen device (bring your own device and stylus)
- One-on-One training to master the basics
- Customized techniques to advance your personal, creative path
- Gain artistic, creative advice to elevate your art making potential
- Review advanced techniques in digital art and software
- Seating is limited.
- Participants must bring their own digital device and writing stylus
- Pre-registration required.
- Have questions? Contact me